Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Project Mania!

Starting a new blog, maybe this is part of my secret desire to find a get-rich quick scheme. Maybe this is because knitting and my womanhood cross my mind millions of times each day. Maybe I just want to find out more about both areas for my own selfish reasons and this is only a way to document my findings. Yes, that's it.

So here is a list of a few things that have been popping through my head. Things I hope to explore with this tool they call a blog.

1. New Etsy! Featuring knitted goods and Rad Pads.
2. Spinning yarn!
3. Socks
4. Alternative methods of Birth Control
5. The moon and the role it plays in menstruation
6. Organic Gardening
7. Uses for menstrual blood
8. Alternatives to sanitary products used during menstruation
9. Natural Living
10. Shoplifting

That being said, welcome new bloggy thingy! I hope to learn a lot from you.

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